The Environment we live in 'EWLI' project
September 2021
The " EWLI" project aims to address the need for motivation and inspiring youth towards environment and climate change. We have a common objective: to pay attention and put effort
together for the benefit of our environment.
Our primary duty is make a positive change for our planet. We want to do something for this trouble by using our strength, which is traditional dances. Dance is as a tool to make a better environment, to get attention for our environment and show entertaining way´s to do things for the environment, to learn to recycle and find out small or bigger trifles one can do to make the world better. Traditional Dancing and being out in the nature in the city nature, is also good for our wellbeing and health. Working together, dancing and learning from each other, finding out new ways to make a difference and then spread videos and vlogs in the internet to get more people involved. Together with all participants we can make an impact for the environment using culture and media as a tool in this project.
We desire to exchange knowledge with each other and support each other, from cultural point of view and way of acting towards environment. We accept that we have to begin tiny little that we can grow, so that is why we are focusing our work to neighborhood, in all partner groups. Main principle is that everyone can do something for the environment and create impact to our planet. Let’s recycle and collect trashes from our neighborhood and inspire others do the same. That's the least we can do.
The GENERAL AIM of BRIDGE-IT project is to create formal and informal learning opportunities to bridge ICC problems in this context.
Specific objectives
Create face-to-face and online training courses, for both relational parties involved in ‘first-impact’ bureaucratic-institutional interactions: ACMs (public officials, police and border officers, social workers etc. dealing with newly arrived migrants) and AMs (e.g. refugees, migrants to be regularised, asylum seekers), on the basis of a collection of real-life communication materials (video recordings, written texts, forms, etc.) from a range of bureaucratic-institutional contexts from different countries (EU and candidate).
As the growing number of migrants in Europe struggle with limited financial resources, this project aims to improve and facilitate their access to second language studies through participation in Language Voices language cafés, which are informal meetings based on volunteering but also systematically organised. The migrants gain access to social, informal environments of the resident country while integrating into a community of learners and tutors, which is often a key success factor in establishing a quality life in a new country.
The project will provide:
1) a preparatory training and handbook so that the multilingual Language Voices concept can easily and successfully be replicated throughout the EU or anywhere else in the world;
2) a comprehensive material bank with language learning and cultural material and resources and a possibility for online communication and language exchange;
3) a mobile application to find language exchange events available in the partner countries;
The project will provide a training concept for the fight against racism and xenophobia, a handbook, training events, comparative studies and analyses.
In European societies, increasingly reshaped by migration, the fight against racism and xenophobia is a key challenge for democracy and civil life. Despite anti-discrimination legislation that is in force in EU Member States, there is still a fundamental problem in identifying the different forms of racism and xenophobia. These may consist of violent actions (e.g. physical attacks) against people or of hate speech – ‘racial’ and xenophobic discourses “which spread, incite, promote or justify racial hatred, xenophobia, anti-Semitism or other forms of hatred based on intolerance, including: intolerance expressed by aggressive nationalism and ethnocentrism, discrimination and hostility against minorities, migrants and people of immigrant origin”
Internationaal uitwisseling project. Het project zet zich in voor sociaal verantwoorde digitale innovatie voor jongeren die tot risico groepen behoren.
Daisy staat voor: Digital Active Innovative Social Youth
LANGO is a free web portal and phone app working together to teach languages to refugees and migrants. Learn English, Dutch, French, Greek, or Turkish.
The LANGO phone app will include subjects that are necessary for linguistic and cultural adaptation in a new country. Illustrated vocabulary to facilitate recognition. Audio files for pronunciation nuances. Animated audio-visual content to engage users in innovative ways. The topics will involve country-specific concepts to assist integration in each of the partner countries.